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Paganism, in general, has many preconceptions and misconceptions regarding its actual history. In this course we will weed out what is and is not the true History of the Modern Pagan Movement.

Just how much of our modern practices and beliefs are related to ancient cultures? Which ones?

What were the inquisition and witchcraft acts truly about?

Where did The History of the Modern Pagan Movement truly begin? How did it evolve?

Who were the people and organizations that contributed to where we are today? How did they contribute and what are the effects of their contributions?

Where are we now, and where is the Future of Paganism going? Because whether you realize it or not… today…. WE create the history for our next generation.

Note: For ease of reference in this course the following terms will be used as indicated:

Paganism: Blanket term, used to refer to religious traditions which are polytheistic or indigenous to the culture of their specific area.

Neo-Paganism: Blanket term referring to the modern Pagan movement

Wicca: The modern Neo-Pagan Tradition developed by Gerald Gardner and it’s off shoots.